Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Dale R. Reynolds is a self-made, seasoned entrepreneur with more than 30 years’ experience who has applied his formidable skill set toward industries as varied as entertainment, fashion, health, hospitality and food, business, real estate development, and more recently, fatherhood. With a keen eye for what people want, and how to sell it, Dale has turned a profit on many ventures and isn’t looking to stop any time soon.
Every business I have started has used past experience to achieve my goals
A professional international model for the decade from 1981 to 1991, traveling to destinations throughout Europe and the Far East as well as major cities throughout North America, his travels and business experiences provided Dale the opportunity to see and learn the skills from some of the best marketing, advertisement and still photographers in their respective fields. Dale took this wealth of experience and internalized knowledge, and has been successfully applying it to his own business ventures.